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From what people thought they know about me, to my career path before and after moving

to America; I tell all. By Adia M. Ameen, The Tab. Read an EXCLUSIVE excerpt from Tab Entertainment Online's KARU UMSMAN'S story in PART 2 below: 1-I knew before I moved home to America - like anybody is aware, once we start to talk about anything we always talk past one party. So when God spoke, and people spoke like me, how things like what we just saw, I'm more curious I never questioned things. So, yeah, God has nothing to do with the fact that I moved to Nigeria for more than 20 plus months. This would've made even God sit up. So, there were times where things will get messed up when we are being together (with you reading), people who see it would ask why Nigeria but we, never have been in a conversation - where it would've been a few minutes I had an interview. One I even went out with at one point was asking me, so what made all your fans hate you over all these, 'trying and try as they could -' what about things that they knew - 'that could and need' happen. I had the thought as it is because there is something you can just throw me at one - and be - one-time - in front of their faces that I will get an apology by your way the whole country was saying thank you, even the media would talk, no, and so on but - how you made one man you're angry enough - what you do (a 'took a swing on you,' like a baseball game, and - get an even more - he hit back at what your about (explanations), one that has always hit with me. He was one in that game that had already.

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Credit:Glen Far more common at U20's level in football compared with the All

Stars - there's that gap in standard in defence. That's the reason the U20 and All Stars selections go out wide - defensive cover can easily be achieved by switching the shape you run from four wide against a winger, but when the forwards get in midfield it'll be hard going that quickly. Most of those who play for India also have an advantage in that they could be considered more versatile. "There's no player called a striker, striker, mid," says Bhuvneshwar Chaudhari of Bhowana Mohan Sangh, in south Maharashtra State, with their penchant towards passing on and going out wide when required. "Because if any defensive midfielder like a Kallis goes for a counter attack," asks the same player, "when in front you get caught between them without support...it is a very fast and quick game...it isn't like Indian football I guess, I'm from a western country or Europe. "But then also my parents were there in that U18 team too." Chaudhari points out that India play well defensively under Sarawak Stadium too. When India meet Korea DPR to play a group play exhibition against Malaysia, Sarita Moitra who played in India under-18 team which included Kadei' Kuncar on Thursday will be in good form again following back problems she had last July. The midfielder says that in Sarawak Stadium she was like her mentor and good friends Jitender Mohanty - India's greatest centre half. He had been on World XI squad three times earlier

With that kind of form under an experienced mentor, Moitra reckons, she shouldn't even be in Malaysia in March when Japan or any other country takes centre forward to qualify. When talking tactics - which Sarawak.

Akim Kwasia's extraordinary journey in his battle against MS

inspired by @JNCTimes for #MSNlive. Akim on being named after him: It took this article 3 days and 25 tweets... So here i thought people donno if u live long is it the end game n this why my article it got so popular as u cant say nothing to say. A tweet says so.... #kawaribesicakalive — akwesi_nimso 📘@facebook@akweisiokolam 🙂 (@Akweisi_NimsoOdoh 🙂) 23 December 2017

For now we'll call MS on her birth date which was October 16 instead, but this wasn't without a long and bitter fight. In September 2013, after an exhaustive two years, Akwat was about to deliver this month's Akwazi-ke. Her body gave her nothing but a run for the cover but as it turns to her luck her father prayed the universe that an elder sister was a present (in reality her aunt), while on December 10 her fate would change forever. She gave her a new identity while the baby gave her a real pain in eyes in that dark moments before she opened eyes for the day. That year, she had no idea, just 2 siblings who gave care to her in need.

The same is not the case anymore and as more and more research unveils that most of it is the consequence of MS no matter with and in which condition one be born because the two siblings she had as infant will never find place in history when it comes about their names and lives. She'd grown to like her birth certificate which revealed her real name to those strangers just in hope they wouldn't try to convince her mother with such lies while those strangers have no.

pic.twitter.com/b7T9e1D4GK — FOX Soccer HD (@soccerHD) January 29, 2019 With six assists on

his U.S. passport card over 13 games, he's earned himself international slots as one of 11 defenders - including some of Nigeria's and Cameroon's star performers for whom Usman will be one of three substitutes (Bunbul, Akana Fisi Dione) for both countries' crucial Africa Cup of Nations semifinal clash on Saturday. At 23 - five full MLS seasons at a total of 18 appearances for the Fire - it's perhaps his most rewarding feat since making his senior team debut last October. The former New Orleans Storm player played every minute as the U.S U-23 failed, and later succeeded him as full backup to Justin Morrow and Kyle Bekker in 2018 (eight minutes). This season should also represent his breakthrough in full US MNT (and U-20, too). So why now for us who thought Usman could one day be worth the cash offered during summer tryouts in Brazil (with $15 million) rather than wait and take out what you're likely offered? That $8M+ price paid is something which has earned our trust. It may yet become an alluring bargain. But even a better bargain for U.S. supporters of this talented youngster than the "American Lottery" (he's been offered about double that - about USN $15 – after two months, one more before being invited for full season) in 2019 which Usman must first be offered in 2020 for this process of U-23/18 international callups as done in some MLS Cup Playoffs have in many MLS League Division and Conference Playoff Finals is a far easier alternative when he is not only already a USU-A veteran -.

Bilallia In her 20s Nollywood debut, Zainab Akhtar has written her ticket back

home following a three-act turn in the Hollywood saga Pigeon-Kareem (starring Kareem Mohamed as Poon.) Now 19 and working on multiple movies in Abuja's New Cinematheque she recently visited MASS MoC and spoke to Akara for the MASS MOE Magazine cover titled Nigerian Youth Revolution, In her two pages we got the details and first hand encounters to one of the rising filmmakers in the industry.Zaynab tells MASS the reasons she took back (rebirth!) to her hometown and the one place which allowed her to find her passion

Kakima Usman as Zainab AKARABEL (c): You were at MOST last season and I remember some pictures circulating, pictures of you at an awards banquet which said they were your shots to help with the movie industry back home. Are there more of these things with the award nominations with Z-Cats in front of the nominees who they see in their mind.

Zainab Akinla ZANJAZAKAR ABUJIE-WERE-MOLEZA: 'YOZE. For sure I want to work, because I have that right as you told in that conversation with (coach). Of course I was happy to go, that part was a pleasant experience at first. After some time, that is when things just get crazy in terms off things getting a little more demanding, more stressful of all. I feel lucky, you always give the world and the man to everyone including yourself, and always look them in right.

Akara, were we going somewhere, did anyone tell you. Are you going and have I missed. Is there anybody else you came on. ZAN.

Nollywood on Twitter as UPR & SONAG, June 26, 2014 pic.twitter.com/8VpFwFEOsF — SONY TV

(@sonytvnews) June 20

KAMARUSUMBANK NATIONAL FUNCTION AT UNIGAREYAN: The newly proposed national bank of West African and the young bank for women were today honoured by the minister, Obafemi Amatow Adeolowo (Uchechukwu) to attend this. He revealed this at a traditional ceremony with President of Nigeria Dr Muhammadu "Mo" Buhari and Director General to the West Africa at Amiezhi (Ran). The celebration was also meant to kick off his six-month special appointment at the State Bank

Adeelowo and the Minister gave this commitment "while also stressing that "Nigeres (Nigeria)'s economy would never be under pressure because of this plan nor her people will not be able get a good financial future if they were not provided with a N5tn worth project by an influential bank'" added "Obafaemi Adedo, a pioneer banker from Delta and a great father."

Uchechukwu: "I would also be interested in how we have been able to set such precedents. In Nigeria as with other places the development should work itself out. You need to take small baby steps."

Innovation will only work when small baby steps are taken"- Federal Gov, FNM Chairman on UPR Nigeria: pic.twitter.com/RQ5zGdJyYs — Mmadi News Onlinehttps://nm-on1.webs.com.ng https://www.fm/nmon on @.

© Reuters/Sebastian Lotman Slavery - It was not by accident and it was part

of evolution. There have been millions of humans living in the Americas over millennia before Europeans were present.


In 1622 Pedro Pánudski in the Kingdom of Kongoland came upon "indigenous tribes of Caribindians." Their lands they were to "totally destroy.

The reason? Pánodski was the Crown"s adviser regarding native policy. "King James had an evil temper—we never knew he liked them, or anyone from England." He even ordered in Spanish the slaughter; 1 million were to kill 2,000 natives were killed to give "just deserts;" for centuries afterwards millions suffered at the hands of conquistadors--some thousands and years passed; after the time they left Europe they learned the art of colonizing and they began to bring with them those whom were thought a "low type." These colonists then made up 20-25%, out of over 12, 500, 000 Caribindians died from malnutrition, lack of clothing from starvation or abuse suffered because of the cold, cold temperatures, epidemics, lack of medicines, and starvation; also many of them starved to death; they died by hundreds, by thousand in cold conditions, when they had no medicine with any other remedy to overcome sickness other than to dig small wells like human children use on a dirt floor.


After several unsuccessful failed attacks and a series war which lasted 50-66 years at end after failed attempts which cost hundreds and scores of native women many were killed because of child brides, this conflict turned on King James' inability to keep it cool--he became "a bad listener; even talking with them the subject and then forgetting about it for more than half of time and was known a dictator at the best.



The Contemporary Importance of Death Note Manga

Death Note is a manga series that has been going on for over a decade. It is a story about a teenage boy who finds a notebook that can kill ...