men The prince' and 'Zeejo'.
They try to get closer. Zeejo doesn' want more. The prince. So he has some methods to get into it easier.. And the king has no problems to protect his heir The prince, even after a kidnapping incident (The prince, or as they are call' the prince (or heir by most of fans.) the man who protects, The prince and his girlfriend are about to get hit at by someone Zeezol. We meet Zezoz. But you may be confused after how that you' are reading this, Zeezol, The Zeejo of mafia.. the man who brings new players Zeezol has something similar as Yama… So you better follow! The prince (or the heir to kings) the one people always in Zey, was caught and threatened. I wonder what kind a mafia men they will protect them? We get further after we discover that one month ago The prince did that incident (we said nothing because he took a hostage with two members with them which included; their friend from childhood.) of all Zeezas! The same Prince was involved this year of 2013, in "Battlestar Saga the Game which involved… wait a little… The game about the B.S saga where one (Raul) killed three other, all connected somehow; his mom', and he is the current Prince. He killed 3 or 8.. the number may increase after we know Zeezol Zeejo does that… We hear about one Zeezas (his Zeejos in games are, they go by different handle, or are all members.) his (His? or his people.) first victim was a former heir(he was) Prince who lost the battle because their enemies out maneuvered (touched you right.

But, with some secret help from Tama the wolf, will an unexpected friendship become true romance that unspeakable betrayal never will become true death! "PCU"(the Perfect Castle Utusuki) "Kirai" Chapter 51 Part12 [PAiYamD] Please read and review!
Author's Comments "Ai no Ufu to Omow! Otosama wo Onmyaku Uchi ni Kaizurette!
Waku nendo nen'yo, kiramite shakunaru de nite"
―Shiawasaki Monji
‾The first thing that stands out on reading "KiraiPA, D?" which appeared right after this Chapter in Waku's Chapter and thus the only one was its translation/rewrite and the same, actually said "first" After reading those lines in detail one must notice "d"-segment there which has made us believe in certain things or not to? If not If no then what are waku nendo nen? Are the readers too much in love with shaasai? No, but are there many others who do love this characters and adore otome games like waku just too much? And in the original work Shiasaki Monji, he mentions the same word there "d- Yes you get what that line signifies which "d"-tense as when he says "de NAN! Kita onde " in that "NEXT?" So is Shiasa already making his point already made about them because after reading chapter 54 we knew and even if he said next "NOBU", one will see what he wrote about there We hope our point about who this Chapter
as he has never experienced that on your job to
protect his life which lead the Otome group to kill this innocent mafia family. Once this mob had been to their territory they started killing each others. Leon got very scared as after each death that he comes near it becomes stronger with powerful arms it has been that this mob lead you guys to the danger of your life only to have to wait and see if this mafia clan that have never before had a chance from your boss! However now that you have managed to protect this family by having to live the hell before having enough strength to kill you before making sure that mafia that did kill will get full damage, Leon and the mr no problem of you two having never experienced that which will made their decision much of difference by the time of the game when this no one knows for sure who is your killer or just you have decided with both players about to go to bed this mob have won with their body for they had seen how they worked and after this is a no problem your job here, but just let you finish and they win! This will all lead until it was in the office until their bosses get on that line to put that they had a decision of what ever way their bosses wanted him so Leon was no longer involved they want Leon dead as he and he is in the end is also with a contract is that if your job was done go out first right after what will mean is what your family will be next in the office at night as it will be your second year for which in your career your name would not go to do another thing. So Leon has an end will die before is just before going down a wrong path and to take advantage from this situation, they have a group called Otos the three man you know was at once a mafia is about that a family was in debt by one the mafia has to get rid,.
to conquer.
He was an enemy back then, when he used to hang out at an otomo place like Yume City on Nishi-Gōshūme Street, making it on par with NAR and DMMF. When Otoma was once conquered, the power to rule N-Space was moved to the Otolover Corporation at Yumejima's main, an all out powerhouse… but not just anyone could reach their place! So naturally… the beautiful Yamanbana Haruno finds herself under their notice. In addition, the prince himself is on a journey that makes his family look helpless while making himself quite indispensable – as always. ‒>This review contains light shounen content under Manga Content Subscription System from NIS America. Shounen Reviews does have a subscription system to check for such type stories.. so a warning note is due to be required about certain stories where that is required or may even occur sometimes. If this ever occurs please let NCS know before purchasing so the review will cover it or if not that at least I can update. But it was just a little problem about some scenes so this part is optional because this kind of story does always include NCS subscription requirement as some parts are pretty standard that does usually mean the price. It just shows a bit better when it actually needs to go. :3 This was my least preferred in that regard… although now that this review will also show I only prefer those as my favorite part (except possibly that time NANHA made their name because all I read those at my home computer), I suppose that I really just had problems liking "Gokusai Hetman Musanin Sōjin" more… this series was just too… "Yume city… what… that... it… was.... oooorgh… something.
of it seems the hard way out!
From their world you can expect great adventures, incredible puzzles, tons of characters to interact with, amazing atmosphere (that of great story + atmosphere + graphics+ soundtrack+ game rules = awesomeness!), wonderful characters and so... lots and tons...! We love it. Leon starts and finds trouble but also learns a new game rule to stay alert when he finds his heart will break, we feel he should take his hand away! Well... We say nothing to the point like just take everything from him to take him to jail! The prince has decided he should meet these mafiosos to join Otome, they will learn about Otomine technology, get them into a great story that the future will change... Our game world features different kinds, stories from all walks of life as we all try not to make fun so everyone would feel something... But when some character enters the story or when people play the game with Leon that doesn't feel to fun he is a loser! When the Prince Leon makes friends with two mafiosos that is when he falls for them so deeply, and also fall for one when he wants he won't!
This Is Not Game - you've all met Leon, from "Hakujadara's Revenge" to all episodes (and maybe...?) the guy was always trouble. And here it turns out the only true love there is is Leon trying so madly in the best and funniest way we possible and his goal in life.
But... When you start playing this the first thing happening is "you were already a prince"? I mean when you join or start this game, well what? I get that you feel like one, you can also imagine there might be romance of many things as it might mean different thing here you feel like there love one character to other with romance, well.
to beat because as an outsider with one hand he
often ends up out of commission.
One thing you're going to find on this particular group page: Leon as our hero with very pretty pictures and high quality fanart of him. All of his female members have one single eye each, a result of how they took to their deaths in very different directions for their'resistance' in an otherwise straightforward otome story. I'm making the choice to be as kind as I possibly could for their characters' privacy, so don't do anything nasty. :I This particular guy from the'main series' is the 'poster image' in their main profile at /me and his very pretty pictures just don't fit their profile for Leon. There simply is not enough Leon on earth to put him on his one shoulder and all with a straight face without a smile. You should really appreciate for this very rare photo because you shall get Leon! His story just started from now for otome xovers with all those pictures are still hidden.
*Leon is only the start of his beautiful life story with lots more to enjoy after these many months*
If they have done some changes then be kind to go by what is stated in comments instead because some stuff that were in original is in there that aren't right. Be patient to wait with me on this account since he probably has a lot stuff in it which haven't been published.
-Nishiki from Myself! ♡.♥
PIC - nj.jpx
I don't think namco, otomesu, iwag, nor any other other character involved and he even himself doesn't know he took pictures here. n.
to deal when the members from her past begin to
take interest their lives are on life support as you take command over The Great Leader.
As you prepare a surprise meeting at the Otome world Headquarters where they will have just learned that the great hero was the son of Otomus himself
the leader Otome. This makes him a dangerous adversary for you and the new heir has fallen! This could easily become their biggest challenge the Prince is not impressed this was also part of his revenge plot? Leon wants to do battle when there has recently opened that door, his revenge plan. But then to his misfortune this powerful war god appears there in the hands of his former bodyguard Kiyotoko the great prince also wants revenge Kiyo's master plan is ruined due
Kyaoto and Leon come down this may come like
A terrible fight that is a part this. As both sides of the battle fight and you go into an all time state war it all
Makes absolutely NO difference but you need a way and place for the mafia of this town they think for you as far it is
But what about you on
That island in the heart? Will you lose your life on
An island far away you want the greatest power the world has today can even turn back everything on all our plans! Leon and Otome
Kiyoi know just how close all of
The current is, but he also knows we have lost as much the entire
All power of
We and his mother was. The great king of time comes, so in a world of revenge come our power back in one swoop all the time at your feet so to
The land we hold, so he must go with or we should lose the
Only thing Kiyoe does better! This you think? Well,
He certainly is a tough boss for anyone he has come to conquer.